Sunday, February 18, 2018

Power of the Goddess

As we have now entered the termination phase of the planetary liberation process, it is of the utmost importance to connect with the feminine Goddess presence and nurture qualities of love, compassion and tenderness to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of the planet:

People on the surface of the planet have been programmed to believe that being soft and caring for other sentient beings is a weakness. This programming has originated from the Archons, then distributed through Jesuit and Illuminati networks and then through the mainstream media to the surface population through the meme of “survival of the fittest”.

This meme was spread among the surface population to suppress the caring energy of the Goddess, which is the energy the dark forces fear the most:

Now it is time for us to understand that caring, loving, soft energy is the energy that will ultimately transform our planet and assist the Light Forces in removing all darkness from the planet. Being soft is NOT a weakness, it is ultimate power:

It is also time now for all women to support and express the caring part of their Soul, anchor that energy in the planetary energy grid and connect with other sisters in Sisterhood of the Rose:

Or in global sisterhood:

It is very important for the planetary liberation that as many people as possible to do the following two Goddess meditations as often as possible:

Goddess Vortex meditation

1. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise

2. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow colored stars scattered within that pillar of Light

3. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise

4. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in "America" and NOT as e in "Venus", and a is pronounced as a in "America") so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, dolphins, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light.

Return of the Goddess meditation

1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

2. Visualize a pillar of pink Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. Then visualize a loving feminine presence in the shape of a beautiful Goddess descending from the sky and entering your physical body. This presence will harmonize your inner woman and make you more loving. Stay united with that presence for a while.

3. Visualize bright new spiritual future for humanity, with men and women in perfect understanding, with our society growing beyond need for wars and conflicts as all dark entities, physical and non-physical, are removed from our planet. Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source in perfect balance of their inner male and female aspects.

Please do this visualization as instructed and do not change it as otherwise it will not have the desired effect.

The divine masculine presence (the Hero) in each of us needs to be activated also. The Hero is a warrior that moves beyond revenge and powerless anger into full fierce power of methodically removing the darkness in order to protect everything that is sacred and beautiful, to protect all children, women and men that can not defend themselves against the cruelty of darkness so prevalent on the surface of the planet.

Long time ago, the weapons of the Hero were the sword and the pen. Now, the weapons are his one-pointed mind, the scalar protection devices and computer keyboard. And Mjolnir:

The Hero understands that all suffering on this planet is artificially engineered. He understands that he can not force his fellow humans to awaken, as they have retreated into their Islands of Sanity (beer and football) to avoid facing the too cruel reality of Draco occupation of the planet with all horrendous child abuse and untold suffering, as it was precisely described here by Benjamin Fulford's reader AHZ:

It is time now for each of us to unite the Goddess and Hero archetypes inside, become whole and stop fighting with each other, and unify in this last stage of planetary liberation process:

At this point I have not received clearance to release any intel about the planetary situation, and when I will be able to release it, I will.

Until then, I leave you with this video:

Victory of the Light!


  1. I choose to support the liberation of this planet in this way. I have not liked the way things are since childhood. I will do these things suggested here by Cobra. VOTL.

    1. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
      Attention to all starseeds!

      Hello my dear starseeds and lightworkers!

      My name is Anton and I want to help our community to become more happy and effective. I want to help starseeds improve their lifes.

      Because I see that many of you are tired of waiting for the Event to happen and don't know what to do.

      And many of you don't like to earn money because you don't like the energy that you get from the work you do. And also you may not like the energy of people that you have to communicate with at work.

      And I also see that some of you don't get proper results from meditations. And overall many of starseeds don't feel that they are living their life.

      Seeing this I decided to create a free course in which I give step by step instructions for you in order that you could easily change your life for the better in a comprehensive way in many aspects!

      And you can speed up the event by being proactive and happy.

      As Cobra once stated:
      "The second main factor holding back the Event is the deep mind programmed state of the surface humanity which has chosen the slowest path possible towards the Event. Now a small minority of people is overperforming and carrying the load of Liberation for many, whereas the vast majority is underperforming and just complaining. Many people are asking me what to do to speed up the Event. The answer is very simple: each of you has been born with a mission. Go inside, discover that mission and carry it out. All our missions combined will create the Event."

      And you can with the help of my course discover your mission and carry it out to the surface of the Planet Earth!

      So, what exactly you will get:
      1) Step by step instructions how to control and manage your thoughts
      2) Step by step instructions how to know your true goals from yourself
      3) Step by step instructions how to disconnect from all the bad things that prevent you from meditating and understanding your thoughts and desires
      4) Step by step instructions how to choose a harmonious financial activity and be happy in the material world!
      5) And also you will learn the principle to create unique creative art works
      6) And also many other useful things.

      And you will get all of this for free!

      Therefore, I kindly invite you to a journey to yourself. I invite you to my course
      "Meditation with Action!"

      ▶️ ▶️ ▶️

      And I also invite you to visit a post in a nice facebook group where you can discuss this course and connect with good people
      ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ The Resistance movement

    2. Alerta: Entenda a missão do Falcon Heavy como uma nave de fuga.

    3. your videos are difficult to understand because of your strong accent and you talk fast and do not open up your moth. Need to just offer written lectures.

    4. I'm sorry, dear Mary, that you have such an impression. But I answered you on udemy that there is a Transcript. Please see the additional materials for each lecture, and you will find them.

      Please, look at the course completely, already with a transcript and be sure to do all the exercises, then you will be able to appreciate it. This course was already useful for many people.

      Also I'm very sorry that you are so negative about it (have put 1 point out of 5). This can push away some good people from it.
      And I made this course free оn purpose so that everyone could look and find something useful. I did not have enough time to make live subtitles, please excuse me. But you can always use the written transcript that every lecture has.

      Yours faithfully, Anton.

    5. Hi Anton,

      My native language is spanish, is true that in some parts is a little difficult to understand but not so much and just in some parts, the overall message and practice is comprehensive, your practice have much sense and i think could help people, thanks for put your heart and energy to do this job and also not charge anything for it, most starseeds are very bad in finnancial issues.

  2. Thank you so much, Cobra, for this message and for always being with us.

  3. Thank you so much, Cobra, for this message and for always being with us.

  4. Thank you, Cobra. The Goddess Energy is much needed and much appreciated.

  5. “The final stage of planetary liberation “

    This is the final operation. (Mjolnir)

    March 2018

    And so it is.

    Victory Of The Light!

  6. Thank you Cobra to you and All of the Forces of Light <3
    Let Us bring down and Anchor the Goddess Vortex in Our Heart's and that of Mother Gaia forever more. The Goddess wants LOVE and LOVE there shall be. Love to You All. The Light is Victorious!


  7. "It's YOUR DAY.

    For me, that means EVERY DAY.
    Softness and Compassion does indeed mean Ultimate Strength and Power and is the ONLY WAY FORWARD in this cute Universe.


    Love Conquers All


  8. Ok thank you cobra so we do this whenever? Let the light shine bright and the event and beam up come full force the 144k and ready let's do this...👽👽😇😇😇

  9. Folks - hold the vibration that things are going to work out even better than has been described here - even better!!

  10. Who is not giving you clearance to release an update? Who exactly is providing the intel?

  11. 🙏🙏❤❤❤ much much love and wholehearted thank you... for everything you done, doing, and, I know, will continue to do ❤❤❤

  12. Wait, "The divine masculine presence (the Hero) in each of us needs to be activated also" how?
    We "male" in this moment, use the guide of this other blog talking about Mjolnir? "We can use it by calling upon it, and we can also visualize multiple rays of bright, light blue, electric Light, spinning clockwise in the aura, or in whatever area you would like to help clear and protect. Or you can experiment with it in other ways if you feel guided."

    Well, i gonna keep doing the Return of the Goddess meditation for now. And of course Victory of the Light!


  13. And you know what?
    I'll just quote my own shit from earlier on and repeat what I said in the other thread. So sue me :-)

    RaJahFebruary 18, 2018 at 1:44 PM

    Here's three versions of the same song, and *nobody* gets the original lyrics right, not even the man who wrote them :-)
    But the Message is True in all of them.

    David Bowie




    And not just for one day!

    We will Be HEROES! What do YOU say?
    I say "Damn right, YEAH!"


    1. Youtube has a couple Blondie 432hz songs that are great.

    2. I tell new people you can't trust every Youtube 432hz. Some aren't converted properly, or at all, or they're from terrible quality mp3's. The best way is converting your whole library using Audacity as per Recreating Balance's article. I've listened to only 432hz for years and it will change your life for sure.


    3. Thanks for the tip, Patrick, highly appreciated.

      I've sent this one out before, but now it definitely sounds and feels even better:

      This is Maria in 432 Hz

      Lots of Love and Light


  14. Just clicked in and an update! Thanks Cobes!

  15. Thank you dear Cobra ✨🙏🏼 Víctory of the light soon 🙏🏼✨❤️🌈

  16. Yeeee-Haw - let's have some PEACE on the planet!!!

  17. this is all so beautiful... and so it is warriors and goddesses <3
    thank you all so much for loving and supporting the sacred!

  18. It hardly seems fitting to use the word "meme" in this context. The origins of "meme":
    "The word meme originated with Richard Dawkins' 1976 book The Selfish Gene." -

    1. "Definition of meme
      1 : an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture"

  19. Our liberation is close. Humanity is in its final spiritual battle. For God and Earth.

  20. Thank you Cobra! Love and light to all!

  21. This post in french :

  22. The Goddess wants Love and Life and Ascension...
    So Mote It Be...
    And So It Is.
    so much Gratitude to COBRA and ISIS Astara, RM, GF, and all Goddesses and Light Workers. This is so beautiful. And the Goddess Meditation will clear the Dark...
    Victory of the Light

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I did the Goddess rainbow vortex meditation and almost every animal in the area was suddenly attracted to me after its conclusion. Birds, gophers, and my dog wanted to be near me. I could feel love emanating all around from myself. I'll be sure to repeat the meditation twice every hour when I'm alone and awake. If this meditation grounds energy the Draco is allergic to, and removes thousands of them, then it is a good thing.

  25. Such powerful information. I guess we are getting close. Thank you Cobra.

    This link to jchristoff's article about how mind control is so specifically aimed at the female -- WOW!

    And I have read numerous times about the 'cremation of care' ceremony at Bohemian Grove in Northern California but did not understand it was to demolish the feminine energy and "care and love vibration."

    The phrase 'cremation of care' has double meaning. It is a phrase designed to make the men having a great time together up in that forest 'let their cares drift away there' in their big camp in the California redwoods.

    Little do people know...... yikes.

    The energies are very powerful now. Everybody is triggered, all the time, if they aren't meditating and grounding themselves.

    Thank you for the meditations.

    Love and peace and caring to all, including the Resistance Movement, the Light Forces, the Pleiadians and our dear friend, Isis Antara, up there, watching over us and participating.

    1. Correction to my last sentence! "Isis Astara" (because...she is shining bright... like a star. :))

  26. I’m crying and jumping up and down with happiness at the same time! OMG, wonderful. I’m ready to meditate. ������

  27. coooool.....thanks a lot cobra - your a primo lightwarrior fine sir.....and I hope your lovely lady isis is experiencing some good quality healing and relief and comfort and peace and an environment of high light quotient love.....and so it is sooooon again that out past the ort cloud we go......infinite time space and flow.....supernova to a neutron star.....inthrough the stargates we go so far.....


  29. The text from the final link in Cobra's post:

    Operations to remove the On and Off world forces hostile to you have now reached a critical point. Our fleets have successfully engaged each of these in massive and overwhelming force, reducing their space capabilities to nothing.

    However, they still constitute a threat to you populations and we must proceed cautiously. Operations to remove the remaining hostile forces below the surface of your planet will continue as our ships are now heading towards your lower atmosphere. Your near Earth orbit is now Freed from malevolent physical interference.

    The remaining Secret Space Program (SSP) factions have accepted the terms of the Galactic Codex and are prepared to contribute to the advancement of your people by releasing their hidden technology for civilian use in due time.

    In accordance with the terms of the Galactic Codex Section 4 relative to the Law of Intervention, we now declare the near Earth orbit "Confederation Space" and this planet "Confederate domain." Various contact protocols at both the individual and collective levels are now being initiated.
    This corroborates what Cobra said would happen:

    "The Galactic Confederation will clear all negative factions with space travel capability, either extraterrestrial or secret space program, that do not accept the Galactic Codex, within the next two weeks.

    Then they will methodically and systematically clear everything below the surface of the planet and after that, surface operations will begin."

    1. thank you, but it now seems that this did not happen and we are now giving the Peace Deal and do we really believe they will keep their word?

    2. Where did you hear of this peace deal ?

  30. Peace be with you:

  31. I've just ordered the goddess spiral cd and will meditate with it. Thank you for the meditations and guidance

  32. Thanks COBRA!
    Traducido al castellano
    Translated to spanish

    The dream of today was you posted this entry, i remember the name "goddess" and the title was in orange

    Is the first time i have a dream about this blog

  33. Love and Light to All💙🌎💚

  34. Very interesting Q just posted something like it’s hapoening.


    The storm has arrived.

    I believe shit is hitting the fan for the Cabal. And that Earth quake in England took out one of the remaining tunnels / bunkers of the Cabal. It might have been a planned invasion in which they captured the Royal Family and Rothschilds.

  35. We are on a role. We will anchor the goddess feminine energy with the meditations and full hearted intentions. Nothing can stop us know! Thank you for all you do Cobra 🙏 🙏🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Love and Light will prevail 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

  36. thanks galactic brothers and sisters,now humanity must do what it has to do by itself ,for itself...we are the one we have been waiting for ourselves from the evil matrix.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.



    He who calls me by my name does not really know me.
    If I identify with my name, I limit myself.
    The important thing is the message, not the messenger.
    The reason is the ego that dwells in the mind and wisdom is the truth that resides in the heart.
    Let your ears hear, your eyes see and your heart receive.
    We are the daring warriors of Love who will not cease to open their hearts until the world is in our embrace. We are remembering and expanding the power of Love on Earth. Keep yelling!
    With infinite Love I AM.

  39. Here we go!!!🤗🐬🐋👽🌅 oh oh oh!!

    1. Oujee! This is soooo cool! What a joy!♡♡♡♡

  40. This explains so well why Disclosure is essential regardless of how it is received and how Cobra’s Goddess meditations are so effective at this critical juncture.And why living in our joy dissolves the inverted matrix.

  41. Thank you! Obrigado! Jaya Maa💕💕

  42. What about the Goddess Spiral meditation? Is that just as effective?

  43. I have always struggled so hard with my feminine light. Recently I wanted to raise a puppy and I found a beautiful little aus German Shepherd mix that i knew had chosen me somehow. I never realized how much anger I had pent up in me. We rid her of sarcoptic mange and yet she recently fell Ill. Turns out she had worms and most likely a severe case of stress and depression.

    I was re-enacting my childhood trauma from my parents perspective. With her sickness I've turned all that insanity off. I still have to forgive though. It's ongoing. Something deep inside feels like a victim. I don't agree with that but it's not over.

    Sasha's getting better! Attempting to drink water and walking around. <3 thanks to her love, my wounds can no longer hide unhealed.

    1. I was sadly mistaken. My baby girl passed away last night. I was told she had her first shot set but they could have lied. May have been parvo.

      I feel so blessed to have been graced by her presence. In such a short time she showed me so much! I will never forget!

  44. The Goddess vortex meditation made me queezy

    1. here is a helpful hint that may help you with the queasiness and dizziness:

      after completing the Goddess vortex meditation, sit down and stare at the palms of your hands. This should held reduce dizziness

  45. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Hugs and kisses to all♡♡♡

  46. * Tip to help reduce dizziness after doing the Goddess vortex meditation:

    after completing the meditation sit down and stare at the palms of your hands for a while

  47. Wonderful post Cobra. Thank you. I set up a new blog mirroring Cobra's with some extra personal thoughts:

    Regarding the meditations, I especially enjoy doing the Return of the Goddess meditation. I usually try to do it at least once everyday. I feel that, currently, the best tool for us lightworkers is meditation and maintaining a calm, peaceful state within -- no matter what. We have to face the fears and become immune to it, otherwise the fear and anxiety will always find a way to make one miserable. Meditation, exercise, a clean diet, a positive attitude, and a regular, balanced routine will help hugely. I would have also added the use of certain supplements like cannabis -- as substances like this under certain conditions can massively increase the high vibrations -- but this will depend on the individual. Either way, everything you need is inside you.

  48. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
    Attention to all starseeds!

    Hello my dear starseeds and lightworkers!

    My name is Anton and I want to help our community to become more happy and effective. I want to help starseeds improve their lifes.

    Because I see that many of you are tired of waiting for the Event to happen and don't know what to do.

    And many of you don't like to earn money because you don't like the energy that you get from the work you do. And also you may not like the energy of people that you have to communicate with at work.

    And I also see that some of you don't get proper results from meditations. And overall many of starseeds don't feel that they are living their life.

    Seeing this I decided to create a free course in which I give step by step instructions for you in order that you could easily change your life for the better in a comprehensive way in many aspects!

    And you can speed up the event by being proactive and happy.

    As Cobra once stated:
    "The second main factor holding back the Event is the deep mind programmed state of the surface humanity which has chosen the slowest path possible towards the Event. Now a small minority of people is overperforming and carrying the load of Liberation for many, whereas the vast majority is underperforming and just complaining. Many people are asking me what to do to speed up the Event. The answer is very simple: each of you has been born with a mission. Go inside, discover that mission and carry it out. All our missions combined will create the Event."

    And you can with the help of my course discover your mission and carry it out to the surface of the Planet Earth!

    So, what exactly you will get:
    1) Step by step instructions how to control and manage your thoughts
    2) Step by step instructions how to know your true goals from yourself
    3) Step by step instructions how to disconnect from all the bad things that prevent you from meditating and understanding your thoughts and desires
    4) Step by step instructions how to choose a harmonious financial activity and be happy in the material world!
    5) And also you will learn the principle to create unique creative art works
    6) And also many other useful things.

    And you will get all of this for free!

    Therefore, I kindly invite you to a journey to yourself. I invite you to my course
    "Meditation with Action!"

    ▶️ ▶️ ▶️

    And I also invite you to visit a post in a nice facebook group where you can discuss this course and connect with good people
    ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ The Resistance movement


  49. Is the violet plasma of the Dionysus experiment 'of the Light'?

    Does it carry something from the violet we sometimes refer to,... or it is a violet one only by the random of the experiment?...

    In any way, it might be an example of a strong violet light...

    ...and a pink one if you wish:
    "An intense beam of pink "plasma" strikes a metal surface in the DIONISOS experiment which is used..."


    1. 'blue prints' are already in place for our outdoor luminaire capable to host and work a mandala of 12 pink light 2ft tubes circled around positioned inside of a single light unit...

      the 'base-up' unit has a better visibility from the ground, while the 'base-down' one is designed to be a bit more visible... from 'space'...

      more details to come...


    2. Violet light, and 'Violet Flame'...

      How much 'violet',... and how much as a flame...

      What is it?... a narrow band of hardly visible light of the end of the visible spectrum,... or a more brighter and wider spectrum of light?...




  52. Please help me with a technical question (just to make it clearer to me): clockwise direction = turning to the left. Is that correct?

    1. Clock going from left to right, so you should do the same. I think you should see yourself from above.

    2. the hand on the clocks go right not left

    3. Seeing myself from above. Much easier now. Thanks a lot!


    4. see you simply downward.
      look downward, and you look at your feet, and this is you.
      your right is right, and left is left.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. United we stand, divided we fall. I love you all! :)

  55. translated to portuguese
    traduzido para o português

  56. Is this from 'Atlantis Civilization'?... or is it fake?...

    20,000 years old stone transformer discovered in Kosovo


  57. A meditation must be put in place on

    Meditation update - Mexico earthquake & Project Aurora
    2/17/2018 03:20:00 pm


  58. "It is very important for the planetary liberation that as many people as possible to do the following two Goddess meditations as often as possible"

    For now might be in the schedule of black alert meditation at every 4 hours.

    See "MASS MEDITATIONS CLICK HERE" on the right of the blog...

  59. The ones committing these horrible atrocities - they are a part of creation. Thus, creation itself has a serious flaw, and needs to be re-created accordingly. Creation itself is inherently flawed to allow such abuses in the first place.

    Free will is an acceptable concept until you are on the receiving end of what’s truly possible with Evil deeds. And, the free will to violate the free will of others invalidates the entire concept of free will. Free will is thus a false concept.

    Re-create creation accordingly to never again have these flaws. Thanks! :)

  60. Grazie Cobra ,grazie a tutti fratelli galattici e sorelle,grazie alla Dea Isis,grazie questi tempi meravigliosi,grazie grazie grazie!Namaste...Lucia

  61. Grazie Cobra ,grazie alla Dea Isis,grazie a questo Tempo meraviglioso x essere testimoni di un cambiamento cosmico .. Vai Luce ,brilla nei cuori di tutta l umanità !Namaste

  62. If anyone suffers from psychic energy attacks, buy this product.
    These are scalar protection devices that will protect you and neutralize all negative influences.

    Wear the pendant so that it touches your body where the thymus gland is located and not lower than that.

  63. I have been getting similar guidance lately. My latest article:

    Love conquers everything!

  64. Ashtar sends a message -

  65. From my point of view the opposite is been videly propagated - that if you fight agains the opressors you are not spiritual. That is what the Illuminati wants us to believe.


    "Also last week, former CIA agent and founder of the Marine Intelligence Division (the folks who recently raided CIA Headquarters) Robert David Steele showed up in Japan last week to meet with WDS members."


    1. Benjamin Fulford Meets with Robert David Steele In Japan February 2018
      Secret Wars


    ...with other 'sentient beings'...

  68. I would like to share a video named "Cosmic Loves Victory" so that it may inspire even just one more person to hold love in this special time that we are now in.

    Keep acknowledging Our Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory in and around your physical body, day after day - once an hour, or more often if you can! Just hold your arms up to your I AM Presence and say: "Charge again, intensify and expand Your Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory around me; and see that I feel naught but Your Ascended Master Victory!" Then just turn your attention to your Blessed I AM Presence and say, "Thank You!”.



  69. "Now, the weapons are his one-pointed mind, the scalar protection devices and computer keyboard."


    1. Orgone/Organite EMF Transmuters





    4. DO NOT LISTEN TO unkown. This description of how orgonites work is false. Also the HONEE devices do not follow the rules of orgonite making. Not only these do not work but they are also harmful for you.

      I understand that many people just want to help but these matters are sensitive and require extensive knowledge of orgone physics. I have posted comments here and in PFC about the rules for making such devices but many people have missed them.

  70. Cobra, the YouTube video that you shared at the end of your post brought me to tears. Tears of relief and tears of deep gratitude. There is much about the planetary situation that I don't know or understand, yet there is a deep commitment within my Core, to assist the planet through this time. I am here to help, in whatever ways that I can, be it through individual actions or in conjunction with others who have this same commitment. The time has come to step fully forth into the open, in Divine Love and Divine light...

  71. Thank you Cobra and thank you all! Victory of the Light! <3

  72. The Event is coming soon, very soon

    in this QHHT, the Higher self see it to be happening in the spring of 2018
    Alison coe said that also fron her QTTH sessions

    Victory of the light

  73. thank you Cobra. I sure hope the Resistance Movement intervenes with the Peace Deal and take the Nazis in Antarctica off this planet. These crooks will not keep a deal, they have no soul or apathy for others. Come on Event and Full Disclosure. The average human being will never wake up without The Event and the extremely powerful Energy Wave and Full Disclosure

  74. A few years ago I read a funny piece in the newspaper that went something like:

    "The college girl was at the career center at her school and she told the career counselor, 'I'd like to find a career where I can just play with puppies all day.'

    I remembered it because I completely understand!

    We need to reconnect with our inner-puppy-caring.

  75. Im Light, and forever i will be!
    Almost there!!!


  76. Não há mais tempo para esperar, para atrasos, VITORIA AGORA!Juntos, SOMOS UM! VITORIA DA LUZ! LUZ E AMOR! GRATIDAO!

  77. Thanks Cobra and viva the Goddess. The Event is near, let's do this


    If this video you linked was created on the 12th is that closer to the actual date that underground operations actually began?

    OR was it created first to have on file for when the message was current time , closer to the 18th ? (hence you linking to it via 2012portal blog)

    1. It is published on Feb 12, 2018 so I suppose that they started underground operations then,just an assumption...

    2. I feel the same , I’m excited at the thought of the LF finishing the underground bases within 2 weeks as well so that event/surface operations can begin this month and early to mid March press the button!

  79. Thanks Cobra, tears & joy reading your updates as usual. Love seeing the positivity cobra's updates inspire. Love to you all. VOTL.

  80. I felt the need to add some about the feminine loving energy. I would say that it has also been used against us in the way that many women in my country and probably elsewhere are fooled to feel sorry for terrorist, rapist etc. They have taken advantage that we as a people and women especially, or rather the feminine side, are too passive and loving about others. This has resulted that many men cant do anything to remedy the problems because they are to hindered by the women that feel too much compassion and misdirected "goodness".
    Love and compassion must be balanced with understanding and wisdom. When being capable of only one of those traits people can easily be taken advantage of by sinister beings.
    Showing more love and care as Cobra asks for must therefore be done in a balance.

  81. Cobra:

    "As we have now entered the termination phase of the planetary liberation process, it is of the utmost importance to connect with the feminine Goddess presence and nurture qualities of love, compassion and tenderness to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of the planet."

    For me, who has been open to spiritual truth since childhood, I see the truth of connecting to Goddess presence as nourishing the HEART-LOVE value within each of us. There is the ONE Almighty God or Source. Creating from within its ONENESS, creation shows up as “masculine” and “feminine”; or polar opposites. The Goddess presence is the feminine aspect of the ONENESS, which in itself, includes all qualities and which is everlasting UNITY, TIMELESS. That is my understanding and experience.

    Since age 17, my
    of meditation has been primarily Transcendental Meditation. I have researched and experienced first hand other paths as well.

    I want to convey to individuals who may wonder, the following. Personally, I have never resonated with the type of meditation visualizations that Cobra expresses in his posts, including the two current ones. I feel there are MANY, MANY ways one can cultivate compassion, love, and Goddess presence by following their own nature. I believe those who do resonate with the meditations Cobra suggests, that’s great.

    However, when Cobra writes the following:

    "It is very important for the planetary liberation that as many people as possible to do the following two Goddess meditations as often as possible."

    That may be beneficial and true for the individuals who resonate with those meditations. But I would go further and say that there are many OTHER WAYS just as important to achieve planetary liberation NOW that each individual can do ACCORDING TO THEIR UNIQUE NATURE. Please, let's not imply that there is only one important way to achieve THE EVENT and liberation of planet earth.

    There are some 7 ½ billion people on earth who are each unique and have their own life path. Let’s honor the Goddess presence and UNITY together, not ONLY by Cobra’s suggested meditations, but also by ANY method and life action suitable to each individual. Each one has to investigate and determine what is right for THEIR LIFE.

    Thank you.

    Victory to the Realization of the Divine Light On Earth!

    Types of Meditation – An Overview of 23 Meditation Techniquess

    7 Types of Meditation: Which One Is Best for You?

    5 Types of Meditation Decoded

    11 Meditation Styles and Techniques Explained

    And there are countless other ways that may not even involve what we would call "meditation."

    1. I agree that there are many ways to spread the Love, but by unifying and working together to do the same visualization/meditation the effects are greatly amplified.

      I feel the two Goddess meditations he recommended are extremely pure, sweet and simple so I'm not sure why someone would not resonate with them

    2. @Tranquil soul: Precisely, you are "not sure why someone would not resonate with them." That illustrates my point that each individual of 7 1/2 billion souls is unique.

      For myself, the most powerful meditation is the one of pure/honest intent to the MOST HIGH GOD or SOURCE. I do not believe "visualization" is as productive as one's intent and going directly to SOURCE in meditation, if one is able to in their meditation.

      Additionally, Cobra mentions Goddess as if it is a Being, which is true. There are many angelic beings who are goddesses. Yet at the same time, he shuns away from terminology such as Almighty Father or Mother Divine or God, etc. That's fine. Yet the meditations to me seem more like RITUAL than simply pure intent to the MOST HIGH. I don't believe they are more powerful in group meditation. The studies cited show that Transcendental Meditation and its advanced TM Sidhi program markedly produced results practiced in large numbers. Many participants were contacting the Source of Thought, of all life.

      Moreover, when we attempt to get others to join in on large unity meditations, many are turned off from Cobra's meditations which as I said, appear as ritual, associated with belief and religion. Even though he means them in a universal application.

      And it doesn't matter if people unify and practice a so called more powerful visualization meditation, as you write. The Divine Plan and Unfoldment of Source can and does work in Infinite ways. It is not solely dependent upon those who do such meditations or other meditations and practices. After all, where do you think practices arose in the first place? From the Almighty ONENESS who creates Infinitely.

      If you resonate with the meditations, as I said, that's great. To me, they are kind of "hokey." Why would the Infinite Creator, Source, Almighty MOST HIGH God, expect all of his Creation to adopt a particular meditation - or ANYTHING, for that matter.

      That's as limiting as saying that everybody should be a vegetarian or exhibit a certain trait of spirituality. EVERYTHING in life has meaning and is orchestrated, ordained by the ONE.

      I'm just highlighting that there is more than just what Cobra or ANYONE may suggest about any point of knowledge in life. Consider THAT.

      We are each unique and have our individual role to fulfill. Cobra has also endorsed that truth.

      "Think for yourself
      your teacher could be wrong."

    3. As I said, I agree with you that there are many unique ways to spread the Love. This doesn't mean that we always have to go about spreading Love in a unique way. Sometimes we can come together and spread Love in the same way to create a unified field. These visualization meditations are a sophisticated type of meditation technique that help shape our reality. If you do resonate with them, that is fine. I guess I'm just having trouble understanding why someone would have a problem with such a simple and pure act of kindness for this world and it's inhabitants.

    4. sophisticated was not the right word. i was just trying to express that I feel these meditations are based on an ancient understanding of how we can bring blessing to this plane of existence

    5. @Tranquil soul: Please re-read what I wrote and it may become clearer. The issue is not whether the two meditations are "simple and pure acts of kindness..."
      The issue is that Cobra thinks those are the most important meditations and that many people doing them is best for The Event (I just paraphrased, you can look at his exact words in the post). However, they are not the ONLY most important meditations or acts to bring The Event. There are countless ways because God is not limited. If it were about creating one unified field, then Cobra would post a mass Unity meditation to be spread to everyone. However, as stated, many do not resonate with ritualistic practices. This subject could lend to pages and pages of explanation. In short, and in essence, different people have different perceptions of the world and different ways to fulfill their role in the Divine Plan. Those two meditations are only Cobra's opinion as to what will bring about The Event. If he REALLY KNEW FOR SURE 100%, those meditations could be organized massively and The Event would ensue. However, no human or any being knows when and how The Event or transformation will occur other than the Almighty Father, Source of All. We respect and honor Cobra but by his own admissions, he makes mistakes and is not all knowing. Those meditations myg be great for those who believe in them or enact them regardless of belief. But there are many, many other ways just as effective that may suit a diverse array of awareness in a wide population. Each person has to do what is right in each moment for him or her. That may or may NOT be what Cobra suggests. I'm sure you can understand that your understanding of this issue may be completely different than another, even though there is a common goal of love, compassion and harmony on earth. The means to effect the outcome come from God, not the limited understanding of mankind. As is true in all matters. The ONE has created the many out of Infinite Intelligence and Love. The ONE governs all matters through His own laws and setup of His own creation. There is no one way alone or one person (such as Cobra) or no one group who knows the totality of Truth which is God's domain alone. When I use the word, God, I am speaking universally and not religiously. You can call THAT anything you wish, the Truth remains Truth everlasting.

    6. The point of these meditations is to unite our energy.

      We all know we are more powerful when we are sending our energy at the same time and doing basically the same "exercise."

      Efforts to dilute this message sound like trolling to me.

      "Divine Intervention ---- etc": go elsewhere if you are a troll.


    7. @WestCoastUSMegan: I have been with this site since its inception in 2012, spiritually open my whole life, and certainly not a "troll." When someone does not agree with everything that Cobra posts, it does not mean they are a charlatan or deceiver.

      When you say, "We all know we are more powerful when we are sending our energy at the same time and doing basically the same "exercise."

      I would say that is true when we have the same INTENT, and not necessarily the same "exercise."

      When you say, "efforts to dilute this message..."

      If you have read my posts, you will note that my posts are for clarification of Truth, not to dilute Truth.

      Please read my post below this and you may get a further understanding, if you wish.

    8. He didn't say they are the most important meditations.

      He simply said,

      "It is very important for the planetary liberation that as many people as possible to do the following two Goddess meditations as often as possible"

      by doing these meditations it is not as though you are unable to do other types of energy work/meditations. they are merely another tool that can be used to help bless this dear planet

  82. Right... I had doubts about why does people around me treats me like ''a gay man'' because i'm kind with others. Now that Cobra confirmed everything, it is somehow more easier to forgive people for that mentality.

    But still, dating women in Quebec while they barely consider you a man, now thats sports.

    Anyways, Victory of the Light, once and for all...

    1. you have not just met the right girl. Many of women would love a guy who is always kind and considerate. There are too many macho's on this planet now.

    2. Haha that's funny. Fucking people, sorry you have to deal with that.

    3. You are absolutely great♡dont ever change, be yourself! ♡♡

    4. Here in The Planet of the Apes (=Southamerica) people will not only question your "masculinity" because you are kind, they will try to cheat you and consider you a fool ("otario", in their monkey-language). Majority is still stuck in their animality, evolved people are rare to find. They confuse kindness with stupidity or weakness.

    5. A lot of women are really messed up right now.

      But there are women out there who just want to meet a nice guy. You only need one. And she's out there.

      Bundle up!

      Quebec is a bit chilly right now. But you'll meet somebody and warm her heart. ...:^)...

  83. Translation for Slovenian readers (pinned post in our SOTR and ESG group on FB):

    Thank you for the update Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  84. Living in the light!!! Practising the Goddess Vortex and Meditation brings such emotion, tears of joy and wonder. Thank you all, Cobra, Light workers, RM, everyone working for the light, LOVE, STRENGTH, PEACE, UNITY xxx VOTL! xxx

  85. The hero energy is already anchored strong within me, my actions have proven this, both past & present. In fact, it is a strong part of my character and can best be used to describe me.

    I guess you can say, I am a bold embodiment of this ray/energy.

    I was and still am in the process of anchoring the divine feminine energy now, long before Cobra even made this post. I have made many breakthroughs since then and will continue to do so.

    By divine faith I will continue to endeavor towards the best desired outcome for the Victory of the Light.

    Until then, we part ways for now; with the closing of these words.

    Victory of the Light!!

    May we be made whole again.

    ~ The Light Sharer


  86. The Nazis did not just see the error of their ways and have repented. They have lost their big main base on Ceres and have nowhere to go or hide. Their deep underground bases are being blown up and because their loses continue,they know they are going to lose everything. There are many criminals among them who are wanted for crimes against innocent ET races and innumerable crimes against Gaia and those that reside on her. Even though they have reluctantly been forced to a bargaining table, there is no place for them on the planet any longer. The only acceptable solution is that they must turn themselves over to Galactic rehabilitation and healing teams.

  87. It appears that the Isreali prime minister is getting deeper and deeper to being removed from power. A definite sign that the dark forces are failing. I send love and light that they choose love or swiftly be recycled to the central galactic sun. We are on the cusp. Love and compassion will speed this Up , but we are doormats no more. Victory of the light!! I am enjoying positive intence dreams lately. I believe toplets and stranglets are cleared. Come on solar sneeze!

    1. But they do work ! They will not give up until their last breath! I feel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  88. Copied this comment from youtube:

    . Why does seemingly every message you and nearly every other channel out there are putting out involve a "comming this" or "imminent that", (a*future event*) that we just need to wait for and then everything will be better:
    Y2K, 2012, Nibiru, 3d ascention into 5d, splitting time lines, a division of worlds. And there are plenty more examples.
    It seems to me, (and there are more and more every day waking up to this truth), that what you want us to look forward to is actually an internal event which has already happened *inside ourselves*, and you keep showing us "shiny things" to keep us distracted from the power that the truth of our real divinity holds.
    We have come to realize that convincing us to wait for some "great event" is no different than what various religious institutions have been telling us to do for eons, (i.e. Armageddon)!
    This is just another brand of the same garbage, meant to keep us from the truth that all that we are hoping will happen "out there, in the world", has the potential of happening inside each of us at each and every moment, if we just stop waiting for an external being or event to bring it about and open ourselves up to the harsh reality of doing the hard shadow work and recognize the event is a moment-by-moment occurrence inside each of us, *individually*.
    We are waking up to our own personal truths, shutting down all of this external noise, and actively causing our own ascention/timeline shift, our own personal Armeggedon.
    Or, we can keep listening to this crap and wait a while longer.

    Lots of people seem to have this mentality as twe have to do things the hard way. Hope they're wrong...

    1. I agree this event is ongoing on another level and has been manifesting since 1980, but specifically changing people since 2012. You are right do not wait, make the changes now that you want to see.

    2. Cobra's never told us to wait, he's always told us to actively participate! The mass meditations help far more than they appear to on the surface, though I do wish there was more I could do.

      He's also been able to provide more physical evidence than anyone else who's talking about The Event, reset, GCR, Disclosure, etc...

  89. Jon Rappoport, author of, and his wife, Laura Thompson, a naturopath, have a great suggestion. And it's all about love.


    What happened to love letters?

    by Jon Rappoport

    February 19, 2018

    Going back thousands of years, wherever there has been a civilization with written language, there have been love letters.

    —Passion, joy, and longing unbound—

    —Letters that ignite and cleanse the soul, surpassing the energies of every-day life—

    Today, in our highly technological society, the love letter has been a waning moon. My wife, Laura Thompson, has wisely decided to resurrect the form and breathe life back into it. Anyone can contribute to the renaissance:

    Laura Thompson: “Why write a love letter? Oh, the power of a love letter! Something you can hold in your hand. Something so real…”

    “When you write one, your cells are vibrating…Your body, with all its magnificent division of labor…like an orchestra or chorus during a glorious performance.”

    “Is it a lost art form or can we keep it alive?”

    “We, as a society, don’t write love letters much anymore. We use cute emojis to express love and admiration. We text phrases. We hint and beat around the bush with the quick forms of communication at our fingertips.”

    “…if everyone wrote a love letter to the ones they love… good things would happen that would spur on more good. I wonder how high we could go? Is the sky the limit – or beyond?”

    Laura invites your participation.

    Why not dive in? You have nothing to lose, except the Ordinary and the Mundane.

    Jon Rappoport

    The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

  90. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but it says to sing the iiii (ee-ee) mantra. Is this literally just saying ee-ee over an over? How do you sing this? is there a tune? Same with the eeeaaa mantra?

    1. There are no dumb questions.

      Similar to the Mantra OM, you will want to chant iii (ee-ee) as long as you comfortably can in a breath. Then repeat that for a while.

      Same idea with the eeeaaa

    2. Ok, thank you for the reply.

      I did these two meditations back to back and it was a very powerful experience.

    3. I did it last night. I made my eeee's etc. very long and melodic -- Like I was singing... Which made my body vibrate!

      I was playing beautiful music with it and I was saying the eeeee to the melody of the music.

      And doing the clockwise twirl (twirling slowly so I wouldn't get dizzy).

      I visualized the Ascended Masters, goddesses, dolphins (dolphins! I love dolphins!) Pleiadians, my own guidance, and threw in a few other friends too...

      Very powerful!

      The room was full of beings and there I was, singing and twirling.

      I highly recommend it.

      Totally fun and uplifting.

  91. 432hz Music Conversion:

    1. Dowload and install Audacity from
    2. File - Chains - Edit Chains
    3. Add Chain, title it "432hz mp3" or "wav" depending on which
    you'll do.
    4. On the right side of the Edit Chains window, Insert -
    TimeScale. Click it once, then Edit Parameters. If you add
    TimeScale as is, double click to Edit Parameters.
    5. Initial Pitch Shift, and Final Pitch Shift should both be the
    same. Semitones should be -0.318. Click OK twice.
    6. In main Edit Chains window, Insert new command, either
    ExportWAV or Export MP3. You should probably do mp3. I do wave
    because it's better quality but I don't own any devices, I
    listen only at home on my computer. I guess you could always do
    mp3 later.
    7. In main window you'll order the commands properly, there should
    be only 3, TimeScale, Export, End, in that order. Click OK.
    8. To convert songs, go to File - Chains - Apply Chains. Select
    the 432hz chain you want and Apply To Files.
    9. Select all the songs you want to convert. When finished, there
    will be a new folder called "Converted" where the songs will
    10. If using mp3, the first time it will ask to download the mp3
    encoder program "Lame". It's legit, follow the instructions.

    1. I came across 432 player for iOS which allows me to play any track in my itunes library in 432hz or 528hz or standard 441hz without any file conversions. Just wish they had it for OS X too.

  92. I have moved from LA to Las Vegas, and I have little time or energy to check the site often.
    But This is what happened to me the other day when I clicked the link.

    The thing which caught my intention was the very first upper picture on the right side of the page. It's always been there. But, this time it looked different!

    And what I saw in my mind's eye was so unexpected and bitter sweet, that my whole body started trembling..... tears started rolling down....

    >>OMG, that's my beloved Sister ISIS, somewhere on a STARship/mothership! She's observing the universe, and it seems She is in the Milky Way.... She's missed the Earth, and is looking for Her<<.

    As I've said many times, I don't like sharing/talking about the experiences I'm having. But. Two weeks ago, She made a very extraordinary contact with me through a sign in the sky.
    It was February 6, at 6:57PM, (Pacific). I was outside talking to Her and crying... Then this very bright star, right under Orion's Meissa star got my attention, because Rigel is the brightest star in Orion. Soon I noticed it was moving. It was moving very slowly from East to West direction.

    Then It became bigger and bigger, brighter and brighter, and then... It bursted out!!! Yes!! And the star was surrounded with a beautiful rainbow halo, the size of a basketball. It was all over it, and lasted for about 2-3 minutes.
    My tears turned into a Niagra falls.

    Then the star started slowly diminishing, (while moving), and soon it was gone....
    That was MAGNIFICENT! That was SPECTACULAR sight to see.

    Thank YOU, my DEAR!!!! I'm missing YOU sooooo very much...
    Like You promised me many times - >>WE'll meet soon<<. ❤️✨✨❤️

    And I envy YOU for YOU're free now.....

    1. Cobra talked about how a whole other world comes. The 'degenerate' patriarchal system will be replaced by a weaker matriarchal system !

    2. Beloved Hye Angel,
      Thanks you so much for sharing such exotic experience with us, indeed many of us had this kind of experience but preferred to keep silence to avoid confrontation and allegations by the paid trolls.
      May the LOVE be with you always!

  93. I felt like myself for a while. The rest of the anomaly is being cleared. Thank you.

  94. Cobra, the Goddess through meditation made me aware that I am developing severe neurological and physical damage from the medication I've been forced to take since I was a child. I've been developing tardive-dyskinesia, tardive psychosis, and at risk of type two diabetes from Risperdal.

    If I don't take it I will be seen as non-compliant and thrown on the street. So I have to decide between being knowing I will be severely disabled or die over time, or being homeless and exposed to psychopaths who would torture me on the street.

    Are the light forces aware of how psychiatry and the pharma companies are slowly killing and maiming my generation with neuroleptic medications?

    I'm only 26 years old. I don't want to die yet.

    1. Please study if cannabis oil can be good for you.
      Look this video:

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. So sorry. I'm 33 and have been in a similarly screwed over a decade. You could try CBD like this person is saying. But yeah our only hope is Disclosure. Real healing tech. I try to tell people that this is the main event, being healthy and happy. Even people who know about UFO's often don't understand the levels of health you can get to. (What I would call normal, but is galactic health compared to what we are now.) Tardive is ridiculous, I'm sorry you have to put up with that.

    4. long ago they went out of fashion the neuroleptics already in 'Eastern' Europe too. In fact there are actually modern psychiatric medicines as well. ---But for example, the Pleiads will cure you..

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. It is not sure if this is useful for you or not, but something new is here.
      Tisen Video
      Tisen Quantum Cloud Integration System

      This system require a photo of your whole body.

      Instruction of the photo.
      1, the body clothing to monochrome, plain color mainly, do not have too many patterns or words, animals and other patterns.
      2, the color of the clothing to avoid the Red series (including pink), it is recommended that the customer on the same day underwear do not wear red series.
      3, the background to simple, plain mainly, do not have any plants in the photo.
      4, please remove all body wear, such as necklaces, earrings, nose ring, tongue ring, lip ring, navel ring, and so on, the hand ring, the ring can be removed as far as possible to remove.
      5, do not wear hats, scarves, headgear and the body do not have any electronic equipment (unable to remove the person, such as cardiac pacemaker).
      6, the pose of the photo does not affect, but must take the whole body .
      7, do not use the camera to Digital Zoom (digital zoom), so as not to affect the interception of messages (do not exceed the zoom center).
      8. Please use the camera to shoot the highest image of the photo.
      Never use any graphics editing software to edit, or use the American muscle effect, so as not to affect the integrity of the message (including lighting, speckle, or adjust the direction of the map behavior).

  95. The light forces kicking some ass! :-)

    Here a fitting video and lyrics:

    We're on a mission
    In the everlasting light that shines
    A revelation
    Of the truth in chapters of our minds

    So long, bad times
    We're gonna shake it up and break it up
    We're sharing light brighter than the sun
    Hello , good times
    We're here to stimulate, eliminate
    An' congregate, illuminate

    (We are here to change the world)
    Gonna change the world
    (We are here to change the world)
    Gonna change the world

  96. My dear one- It is important to add a prayer to the Divine Mother for protection and guidance, and thankfulness for the protection and guidance. Many Blessings

    1. @Deep Rose: Yes, there are countless prayers we could each employ which are beneficial when they come from an honest intent. That was one of the points of my comments above, that Cobra's suggestion and opinion that his offered two meditations need to be done by as many and much as possible, are HIS OPINION as to what is most effective for THE EVENT. There are many other possibilities as well, as you have pointed out. Let's not be limited in our Human and Divine understanding of life.


    ".....My take is this: There are people who want to make an example out of whistleblowers, to intimidate and to stifle and to suppress future whistleblowers, which is why they're going after Assange, which is why they went after people like Thomas Drake, or Kim Dotcom, in terms of an entrepreneur that opens up different possibilities in terms of the internet....But these people want to attack and destroy the messenger and hide the message, because the message incriminates them.

    There are people who are corrupt who engage in illegal activity on a grandiose scale and because they're able to hide behind bureaucracy, they feel that anybody from Aaron Schwartz, to Julian Assange, to Suzie Dawson, to Kim Dotcom, anybody, anybody who exposes the truth, or anybody who stands for freedom, or pushes the boundaries of free speech or freedom, or does something within the realm of technology, that isn't sanctioned by The Establishment... There are people who want to just crush that and destroy that, and hurt the individuals who are standing for truth, exposing corruption, the whistleblowers. The people like Aaron Schwartz and Kim Dotcom, and others... -and then some people might say, "Why did you put the two names together?" I''m just saying that weather it's Hillary Clinton or John McCain or Paul Ryan, or Nancy Pelosi, or some of the Hipster journalists who turned on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange because oh my God, oh my God, in some fabricated manner, they aligned themselves - or they DIDN'T, but they are said to have helped Trump in some way. The only person who helped Trump was Hillary Clinton. That's the only person, it wasn't Julian Assange it wasn't WikiLeaks. It wasn't anyone but Clinton.

    But my long-winded point is just that, history will show, that the people who stood by Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, Truthtellers, at this moment in time, were on the right side, the correct side, of history, the side of Truth.

    If you want to suppress the truth, or if you think the truth hurts your political side, then try to focus on reforming people like Hillary Clinton, or maybe utilize the euphemisms like white supremacy or fascism in all of these things, or labels...try to utilize them on the side that you feel is more just, or better than Trump.

    Anyway, give me your thoughts below. Share this segment everywhere. There's something going on with historical record and Suzie Dawson is going to get to the bottom of it. Give me your thoughts. Thank you so much for listening. Suzie Dawson's article is below, I'll put Elizabeth Voss' article also.

    If I said anything in this segment to offend anyone, regarding historical record, because this whole theme of this is.... you know, there are people who are trying to reshape history and the Legacy and memory of people for their own gain. If, for example, you find anything that I've said offensive, I didn't mean to offend anyone. But give me your thoughts below.

    We need to make sure that Suzie Dawson is safe, and she's able to write this major project, or this major piece, and obviously future endeavors as well. Give me your thoughts. Thank you so much for listening." -H.A. Goodman

    H. A. Goodman
    Published on Feb 19, 2018

    Kim Dotcom: "Let Me Assure You, The DNC Hack Wasn’t Even A Hack"
    Why I Have Gone Silent
    Opinion: Fearless Adversarial Journalism Doesn’t Work When You Are Funded By A Billionaire
    Most of the coverage of Russian meddling involves their attempt to effect the outcome of the 2016 US election.

    1. Yah, that's a nice image. I have a small batik cloth hanging of Gaia with 4 doves surrounding her, useful meditation tool, from an artist in Marin County, CA that I got decades ago.

      I am not sure why you feel a need to repost Cobra's quote again and again in this thread to specific people. Seems rather aggressive, although I know you mean well.

      Maybe my post if off-topic, but not really. It is all related. This is why I do what I do. (In addition to the fact my work is solo and silent, and meditative in nature.) I feel drawn to delve into and understand what is really going on, for then and only then can my prayers and intentions help, when I know what we are up against. I do follow Q and QANON posts and go way down the rabbit hole sometimes, mostly by reading the posts and watching certain YouTube videos that interpret the clues of "bread crumbs". I read news, alternative news and lots of it.

      I like twitter because it is very much in the now, and if you ignore the surface noise, there are some very intelligent and thoughtful people there who have something of value to say. Despite the fact that twitter can be a real shitstorm and vent-fest, there is also a lot of wisdom there too, if you look for it and don't get too drawn into the maelstrom of public opinion.

      There are a number of alternative media and citizen journalists who are helping to wake people up, through their investigative journalism and posts. There are smart people who have been wronged like Julian Assange and Kim Dotcom, who are caught up in complex legal battles for Truth and Justice, and their own survival, as well as to bring awareness of some of the darkness and governmental B.S. control dramas, to the general public.

      Then there are the heroes who fight darkness on the front lines. For example,
      Craig Sawyer 🌐 @CraigRSawyer
      Navy SEAL Sniper, Trainer, Defender of the Defenseless, Fed LEO, @USMC, Producer, #V4CR

      He posts links to stories about their triumphs in capturing, stopping and arresting human traffickers and pedophiles, and rescuing children. That's what he and his teams do. This is a topic that makes people uncomfortable, so it is VERY important to share it, especially the good news.

      Many of us feel powerless to take action in these areas, so I like to share what people braver than me accomplish through the selfless and important work they do, often at great personal risk to themselves and loved ones. If this is their chosen mission, I support them in their efforts by praying for their safety and helping to bring their efforts to light by sharing with people in the mainstream. And twitter is definitely a main stream! That stream can have sharks, so it's best not to take the bait, but swim upstream, undaunted, and try to give them food for thought.

      One thing for sure, there is a lot of anger and cruelty on twitter, which I try not to engage with, but then there are so many loving and uplifting thoughts, images and expressions, too. I can't say I am always on my best behavior, but on occasion I come up with a comment that seems to impact people in a positive way.

      firebird22‏ @firebird22

      The process of #Awakening cannot be forced. Those in the know feel impatient. For many, too much intel becomes overwhelming. They experience #7StagesOfGrief #RightTiming is important. #Q is wise. More #Disclosure and #DataDumps coming. #AllInDueTime #QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit

      When all else fails, or things feel tense or glum on twitter, I find animal GIFs to share, because animals always take us out of ourselves, and help us find joy in the present moment.

      I need more clients, work, money, possibly a new place to work and to live, more exercise, better nutrition, more play etc. etc. but I am taking the warm 70-degree Feb afternoon off Wed. to go walk on a beach, meditate and be in nature, because Thursday we have snow coming again. Such is New England.

    2. Also, twitter is dropping thousands of followers from popular accounts. Everyone is upset tonight. I have noticed for a while that certain people I follow most for some reason I have to keep following over and over, as twitter puppetmasters cause me to unfollow them.

      Someone even started a petition:

      Get Our Dept Of Justice DOJ to Ban Twitter & YouTube From Censorship

      Yah, good luck with that, DOJ is corrupt, IMHO.

  98. KimDotcom, Julian Assange, DNC "hack", Free Speech, Internet Party, Trump, Russian "hacking", Disobedient Media, FBI, DOG, CIA, Aaron Swartz, Secure Drop, James Dolan, Geopolitics, Technology, Cabals + Conspiracies, Whistleblowers, Deaths/Suicides, Historical Record,

    1. You Retweeted
      Kim Dotcom Verified account @KimDotcom
      21h21 hours ago
      Look what happened to the deep state since the destruction of Megaupload. Their secrets leaked, their toys exposed, their credibility in shatters. The more people know about the world’s largest crime syndicate, the 5 Eyes, the better. It all started here:

  99. OK, I'm kind of new to meditating, and I've never done one with chanting out loud. My cats absolutely freaked out. I thought it was the twirling, but it turned out to be my Iiii's and EeeAaa's. Will have to try this in the garage next time. Haha.

    I meditate with much gratitude now because I tried sending out a request to Source and my spirit guides before one of my cats had to undergo dental extraction under anesthesia (always risky). Right after my meditation, I went to the kitchen to fix some food, happened to look at the clock, and it said 11:11. Needless to say, she came through it all very well, and was back to her mischievous self in a couple of days. Thank you for protecting my fur-baby.

    I wish perfect health to all creatures on Gaia.

  100. Thank you Cobra for this Beautiful update. The Goddess wants Peace so do I. I will do my part in helping with the liberation of the Planet. Thank you to All Light Wrkers and Light Warriors and all the UNNAMED HERO'S WHO DIED FOR THE LIBERATION OF GAIA you are not forgotten.

    Victory to the Light

  101. Just popped in my head, I wonder if when the school shootings happen, if they have operations to trap them on the other side.

    1. Check out the crisis actor David Hogg at youtube and you know what is going on.

  102. The youtube video that Cobra is referring says that underground operations have begun and the low earth orbit is free now. Things are proceeding well, I guess. Moreover Cobra said last year that immediately before the Event there would have been an escalation of war that would have involved Turkey; today Turkey has begun serious hostility with Siria. We could be extremely cloose to the Event.

    Sheldan Nidle

  104. Silly question, but what will sexuality and sex be like after the Event? will people be still put in the boxes of straight / gay etc...

    1. All manipulated and distorted sexuality will be resolved.

  105. What can I say, it's all so amazing, I keep looking up hoping to see a ship or some battle going on during the day or night.. I keep hoping to turn on the tv and have the REAL news explain our REAL world.. all has been a huge lie.. all of it, the Truman show was on the other day, that's pretty close isn't it.. well, once all wake up, imagine the conversations then, perhaps selfies on FB will cease! Perhaps people will stop talking about themselves and realize the world around them. Love and Light to all on Gaia! We will be free to live a live of abundance and joy it's getting close, the Christ Consciousness is coming soon!


  106. Welcome to Space Mountain.
    It may be the oldest Ride in the Park - but it's still got the longest line. Whooo!

    It all begins again where it ends.
    And We're All Magic Friends!

    Join The JoyRide 430.65 Hz

    Eine Kleine NachtMusik

    SunShine is a Lady, rocks you like a baby.

    Have A Nice Day :-)


  107. Tonight I saw a craft sitting on the top of the hill overlooking my apartment complex. It seemed to follow me wherever I walked. I concentrated on it and saw it move. It telepathically said, "We love you." I can't to meet them some day. Thanks Cobra for sharing these messages.

  108. Regarding Goddess energies, I found that he has something to say. The attack upon the alpha male by the elite supports the oppression of the Goddess energy.



    Wake Up Neo! … Activating The Divine Masculine To Clear The Way For Goddess, To Stabilize The Increase In Intensities From The Termination Phase

  110. "Meteor" over the skies of the state of Bahia (Brazil) last night 20.feb around 11pm, supposedly fell into the ocean: and Thanks Cobra. VotL

  111. 2. "Meteor" another video:

  112. An Observation of the Posts Here:

    There have been well over 37 million views since 2012 when this site began. Divided by 6 years, that's approximately
    well over 6 million views per year on "average." If I had to guess, I think the views have greatly increased in recent years, each year. A reasonable guess of views per year is
    well over 1 million. Divided by 365 days, that's well over
    30,000 views per day on average!

    With this consideration, and Cobra would know the exact number of views, if he has "Google Analytics" for this website, consider the following:

    For each post that Cobra makes, we notice a "few hundred" comments and replies total. The more extensive the post, and the more time in between posts, the larger that number gets. But it has always remained in the low hundreds to possibly 500 or more on occasion.

    Now compare the number of viewers commenting here, including myself, some 30,000 average per day, with a few hundred per Cobra post.

    The point I am illustrating is that by the mathematics of views of this site, there are many, many MORE views than there are people commenting and replying to views. It's an astronomical difference.

    When I read the comments here, there's a tendency to believe and think that they represent the viewpoints of the readers. However, they only seem to represent the viewpoints of the viewers that comment on the blog. A very small number, perhaps 1% of the total views; for instance, 300 comments out of 30,000 daily views on average is about 1% written comments.

    That, to me, is an eye opener. For one, when we comment here we're reaching countless more people than we may realize. And when we read comments here, there are countless more people who have not commented or replied in writing, far more than we may realize.

    I am not addressing why someone responds or not in writing on this blog. Just observing the facts about the numbers. There is no right or wrong about commenting here. Only, the awareness of how many people view this website on a daily basis is quite astounding.

    Victory of the Light on earth NOW.

  113. Sacred geometry for the liberation of the planet

    The question of whether pyramids owned by Lightworkers can be used by the Light Forces to liberate the planet, Cobra affirmed. I think this can be transferred to working with sacred geometry in general.

    The cabal abuses sacred geometry for its purposes, but conceals the knowledge of sacred geometry. Many people and even Lightworkers do not know about Sacred Geometry.

    The reason is that they do not use them, thus helping the light forces.
